Wednesday, August 04, 2021


 Sad news today:  my TV died.  Mind you, this was an old TV, not a flat screen; it's a box, and it is possibly two decades old... my parents bought it a while ago, and while I certainly watched less TV than they did... Anyways, right in the middle of Jeopardy!, the screen went "pop," as if a fuse went, and the screen collapsed.  There is sound, so I can hear the show, but no picture.  Alas.  I mean, I guess it was more than time to replace it, and I know they aren't that expensive, and I can afford it, but... as always, one of those things I didn't want to do, and not like I want to run around TV shopping.  Alas.  And, with the supply chain issues, Lord knows what is out there...

This is pretty awesome; for all the grandstanding involved here, I think this sort of combativeness is what drove a lot of GOPers to Trump, and if DeSantis can hold that mantle while actually acting like a Republican... should be interesting.  I sort of think he should be the nominee, but I can see him as Veep in case Trump runs again.  I also suspect that most GOP voters would prefer someone who has...less baggage?  Especially if Biden or Harris have weak numbers going into 2024.

I think this is exactly right, one; two, Cuomo didn't get to be governor of NY by being soft, and if he thinks he is going down...he is going to make them fight him for it.  I, for one, find this to be hilarious -- two bowls of shit hilarious -- and if he starts dropping unpleasant facts on his opponents, this is going to be awesome.

Hate is too strong a word, but I think that for many people Rapinoe does bring forth some bile.  I guess at heart I am a "stick to sports" guy, and thus the constant sermonizing is a bit much.  Coupled with social and political views that roughtly 45% of the country disapprove of...this should not be much of a surprise.

Interesting.  I guess I don't really care; I mean, again, it is just Darwinism at the end of the day if people chose not to get the vaccine, but it is one thing to blame this on Republicans in its entirety.  I don't doubt of course that politics plays a part in this but the above data would suggest that younger people are just less convinced of the need to has been true all along.


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