Tuesday, August 03, 2021


 So, Nina Turner did not win the primary in Ohio 11; like most people, I was immensely amused by the ad barrage.  This could be me, but if I was the GOP, I would run -- or tried to -- an actual candidate for the race.  I realize that, yes, they probably would not win, but 1) the Dems have been giving you free ads for a year, so use them; 2) you could always appeal to the disgrunted Nina backers; and 3) it would be funny as hell for the Dems to fight their own ads.  I guess I could have ran, and aside from the airing of my dirty laundry, would have enjoyed two months of trolling.  Alas, alack.  

The eviction moratorium is back on...for now.  I guess I thought, when I heard it, how is this legal?  And it probably is not... not, of course, that the RINOs on the Supreme Court will strike it down.


This, like the special election in Ohio 11, should be prime GOP trolling/attack ad opportunity.  I mean, you could air the Texas Dems, then this (let's not forget all the private jets and their carbon emissions), maybe some footage of Kamala Harris and all the others who pooh-poohed Trump's vaccine push.  Just saying.

I also got a kick out of the Andrew Cuomo story, but of course, who doesn't?  Ok, those who were subjected to the guy.  But, again, this should be prime GOP ad time; all those people lauding him, now this.  One could also run ads with all the journalists who sang his praises, followed by something like "You wonder why we don't trust you?"  Brilliant, I tell you!


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