Monday, July 19, 2021

Unfitful Sleep

 Two downsides to yesterday's long was that I wasn't very tired late, and didn't settle into bed until after 12.  The worst, though (not that this was a direct cause, of course), was that I a vivid and unsettling dream (I seldom recall them).  Not exactly sure of all the details, but I was in some nursing home, people were dying (no real familiar faces), and I could see their spirits, at times, with various levels of clarity. Of course, when I did wake up, I had generally feelings of crappiness as I contemplated human mortality and what, if anything, this dream meant.  Oi.  Obviously, I need to push through on everything and not sleep during the day.

Did a gym double today -- only did one last week, but I intend to do three this week.  Not only do I need the workouts, it also gives me some reading time, which is always a good and useful thing, as the book list isn;t exactly getting shorter. I am beginning to get the sense that it will never go away.  Also, more or less ominously, I need to get back into watching (or at least trying to find) the films on the National Film Registry.  I got away from it, for a bunch of reasons, but now is as good a time as any to start crossing a few more off..

I had forgotten about these, all of them (not that I pay attention to the twittersphere in general) but now... ,I wonder if anyone is going to ask any of these people about these things, but I think we all know the answer to that one...


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