Thursday, July 08, 2021


 Behold the miracle!  The Tribe won a game... mind you, when they took the lead, I was like "don't worry, they'll blow it" and of course they did, albeit not totally...  funny, sort of; on the Athletic, they had an article about the streak, and discussed the last time the Tribe lost 9 in a row; I of course was at the game they described -- Chris Perez gave up a 3-run blast and they lost 5-4 to the Tigers... I was telling a couple of coworkers about this, and they noted that I recalled microscopic details about the game, yet I never remember any of their birthdays...  I didn't want to tell them that my friends tell me this is why I am single...

I am not sure how, but someone has to work this into the next GOP ad...

In other news, I was fascinated by the catchiness of "Butter" on the radio; it took me all of three minutes to find it on youtube, where I discovered it was by BTS...  this sent me down the vortex as I discovered a number of other songs (catchy but not necessarily those I like) are also theirs... this, being me, meant that I had to go and spend ten minutes reading about the band and each member.  I am certainy not in the Army (yes, I had heard of that!) but I was a mix of fascinated, disgusted, and educated by the whole process.


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