Tuesday, July 13, 2021


 So, I didn't watch the ASG...boycotting due to the actions of the Commissioner.  I hope my gesture was not in vain; not that I don't love baseball, as I do, but if we truly believe in "get woke, go broke," we have to practice what we preach, like it or not.  I sort of like the practice, actually, as the people who gave us "Grab Em by the Wallets" get a taste of their own medicine.  Of course, it's not like a ratings bomb will stop Commissioner Manfred, though the end of the ghost runner and the 7IP DH appears to be at an end, or soon will be...


Oh, I don't know...we are engineering this one, not that I mind, because I think it is a winner for us, and all is fair and love and politics.  More seriously, I don't think it is completely unfair to point out that racism has influenced policy and American life more than we would like to admit.  Of course, there are two problems with CRT in general.  One, of course, is that anti-racism has also always played a large part in US history; to be sure, a lot of time those voices were drowned out by the other side, but anyone reading about, say, the Gag Rule, the Freedom Riders, Robinson and Doby, etc., would quickly see that many people (even if the motives were not as pure) were for equality.  Two... if they punishment for racism is cancellation...well, when do we start?  FDR obviously was one, so there goes the New Deal?  I get my Social Security money back?  Sweet!


Good take from a reporter who consistently understands this part of the US...


I love all this inside baseball stuff, not that I am a huge college football fan, so I clicked on it.  Interesting in the point of view from that of the coaches, for one.  Also...is it me, or did a couple of these guys shit on Urban Meyer?  I am not exactly surprised -- not that I approve or disapprove of kicking a man while he is down -- but it seemed that they were praising Tressel and Day while saying that Urban was....interested in a more transactional relationship...


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