Sunday, July 18, 2021


 So, I did the usual morning routine -- church, gym, couple of errands -- and then after lunch I sat down to write some emails, order library books, etc... I was pretty tired, so I decided, why not lay down?  That was 1:30.  I woke up at I took a four-hour plus nap.  On the one hand I clearly needed it, on the other...well, I do feel sort of lost and unproductive (I also missed a Tribe win, by the time I had woken up, gotten a little activity, etc.).  It is also a beautiful day, not that I am a outdoors person.  Still, a stroll or something -- maybe tonight -- might be nice, to say nothing of the continuing fatassery around here.

I love articles like this, not only for the calling out of the lies, but the deep institutional history...I did like Lindsay Graham threatening to pull a TX Democrat move and flee.  Now, I think he is posturing, and I doubt that any other GOPer (ok, guys like Cruz might, as well as anyone else with Presidential aspirations) would join, but it would be funny as hell, especially if someone like Graham -- who is good with the press -- would point out the hypocrisy in the coverage.

Also interesting, mainly because...well, I certainly didn't expect this from Noah Smith.

I suspect one part of the problem -- not touched upon here -- is that in additional to the economic inequality, there is also the cultural inequality (and I mean condescension) that accompanies it, especially from the coastal types compared to the rest of us in flyover country. I am not sure people mind other people making more than them, it's just that the idea that their opinions are worthless and antiquated and thus deserving of only mockery is the issue.  Kudos to Trump; he nailed it and ran it to a win, and I wonder how the next GOP candidate will do the same...


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