Friday, July 16, 2021


 So, I am reading Only The Ball Was White, the account of Negro League baseball that first brought this facet of the game to the nation's attention.  I am sort of ashamed to say that as a baseball fan I never read it til now.  That said, it is very interesting -- a mix of chapters about the great players and other figures as well as a mainly chronological look at the teams and how they played and operated.  It is very informative, so now I want to read more about it, which is good luck, considering my list as it is.

Had a long and thrilling day of work today, and started with low blood sugar this morning (and last night), so no AM gym (leg day tonight, close enough).  Anyways, I was not feeling dinner, so I decided to bite the money bullet (trust me, I can afford it) and ordered dinner from the Greek fest down the street.  I should have known better than to pick Friday at 6, because it was... a crowded fest, and sort of a clusterfuck. I guess there is no way to do this well; they had four rows of traffic, and people ran your order to your car, but of course if they can't find the order of the people in front of you...  anyways, I always joke that they every year they try to overcharge me; this year, it would have been cheaper than buring gas at $3 a gallon..  The grub was good -- saved half -- but the portions were smaller, too...

I like Vance -- I think he would be a formidable candidate for Senator, if he can survive the primary -- and I don't really think his take here should be an impediment to his candidacy.  Lots of conservatives and Republicans were not thrilled with Trump, but he did deliver -- the Supremes, judges, tax reform, among others -- and it is completely fair for someone to say that.  Hell, I think it demonstrates both his conservative bona fides as well as a sufficent amount of MAGA signmalling, which should be enough.


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