Tuesday, December 14, 2021


 As the cable hookup to the TV is out (again; it worked Sunday before going kaput), we are back to watching TV online.  They had a Lubitsch marathon on TCM today -- his early, silent works.  I watched the first one, "The Doll," from 1919.  It's an early version of "Lars and the Real Girl," but here the hero gets a doll to get a dowry from his rich uncle and get him off his back to marry.  It's quite funny, and I have to admit...let's just say that he got the role of the monks spot on.  


One can hope.  A lot to like here...I think he is right that the GOP has this massive new roll of voters in its grasp, but of course...we have to deliver.  It's a narrow needle to thread on a good day, and given the...plutocratic and lily-white nature of the party, not any easier.  But... let's just say that Donald Trump has given us this gift, and we need to use it.


So, this came out today... I have seen six of the 25; I am not counting "Sounder" and "Nightmare" since it has been so long since I have seen them...  Actually, you could watch ALL of the films I've seen again.  "Hellbound Train" is certainly interesting; African-American film, the warnings of a sinful life.  "Strangers on a Train;" all I can say is that one could watch any Hitchcock film many times.  "Pink Flamingos" I need NOT see again.  "The Long Goodbye" is a neo-film noir, quite good; funny, I have been watching a bunch lately, and this pops up.  "Return of the Jedi" is of course a classic, not that I am a fan of the genre; ditto for "LofR," and I could watch that one again..  No, I haven't seen "Wall-E" or :"Baby Jane."  In the meantime, I have now seen 768 out of 825 on the list; I need to make a list of the ones I have not seen, rather than fumble through the morass of papers I use currently... considering my fondness for lists, a list of lists would be Matt heaven.


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