Sunday, December 05, 2021

Oops, I Did It Again

 So...I was tired this afternoon and decided to take a brief nap...and I think we all know how that went.  Six hours later, I woke up... while it is good to catch up on rest, of course, now I can't sleep, and I wasted a day when I could have done many other things (including just reading a book or two). Alas.  I have been productive in the few hours I was awake; gym, time with my sister, did some cleaning and sorting around here (could do more, of course!), even went through some of the pile of Mom's stuff (still upper lip!)...  maybe I will finish that tomorrow and take the stuff to the shelter.  Adulting, as I like to say.

I think this is exactly correct, though, of course, I will believe when I see it.

One thing I have noticed about myself; namely, I have a thing for paper, or at least, I tend to collect things of paper -- scoresheets, notes I make to myself, old bills (in case you need the plumber again) and receipts...that sort of stuff.  It is difficult to eliminate such stuff -- emotional attachment, practicality, some fond memory -- but at the end of the day I find that I am getting rid of some of this stuff more often.  Boosting the recycling, I guess.  OF course, while going through that layer one finds other layers of crap to handle...some days this feels rather Sisyphean, truth be told.


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