Saturday, December 04, 2021

The dull ache

 Most depressing; second day in a row I woke up with low blood sugar AND a charley horse; to be sure, both were mild, but no AM gym time, which is not fun...I am under 191 pounds, which is good, but one does need the extra work (and reading).  At the very least, I was able to figure out ALL of the puzzles in the latest Games magazine contest (I figure I will spend more on stamps in sending in the entries than in winning any prizes); never been a fan of the guess the squares to color in game, but for the chance at $100... well, my objections have been muted for much less.

Maybe they could figure out a way to suck a dick on paper -- it would be less of read.  The fact of the matter is not that he can't control some things but the things they can control they have chosen NOT to do so -- Afghanistan, inflation, supply chain issues -- to top it off with rising crime (all that store looting) and COVID still raging -- remember all the times they told us the vaccines weren't safe, Joe and Kamala? -- this is the best they can do?  I would love nothing more for people to start calling out Biden voters for this; I mean, if voting for Trump makes you a racist and sexist, then voting for Biden makes you a...well, fill in the blank:  hater of women, for subjecting the Afghan women to untold cruelty; hater of the poor for subjecting them to rising prices (wages generally don't grow as fast); don't forget his own rapism; and of course, for all his non-mask wearing...hater of science?

Had a taste for some film noir so I ordered a bunch from the library; one has already trickled in, and when a few more arrive...  one movie I will not watch again is "The English Patient," which I saw a few days ago.  Maybe this is me, but I figured the plot out in 30 minutes, and I hardly doubt that "Man falls in love with other man's wife" merits a lengthy treatment. It's also a Miramax film, and given their fondness for cancel culture...


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