Sunday, November 28, 2021


 You know, I was sort of productive today -- made cabbage and noodles,. did the dishes, cleaned some of the kitchen, emptied a set of drawers, moved some other stuff around (by which I mean to where it belonged!), and that was...good?  Hit the gym today and weighed in at 194; not ideal, but could have been worse, after the weekend.  The cabbage and noodles was good -- been a while since I made it -- but I suspect my plan of bumping up the cabbage ratio has caused...gastrointestinal distress, if you get my drift.

Watched "Becket" today; interesting film, and didn't realize it was an Anouilh play.  I liked it -- in so far as I love those historical dramas that involve wrestling with God and the law -- and the acting was certainly first rate.  A bit long but not terribly so...  After watching it, of course, I told myself I need to start trying to find movies from the National Film Registry again...

This could be me, but what did they expect?

Finished the Bill James book (quite good) and a book about the environmental fall of Rome; it was interesting but it mainly about the plagues of the Empire and their probable causes, with a discussion of how global weather patterns spurred Roman growth when times were favorable but caused, of course, barbarian gains in the third and fourth centuries -- i.e., changing weather was too much for them to handle on the steppe, and gee, our neighbors elsewhere seem to be doing quite well... one nice thing about the extended weekend -- plenty of time to hit the pile from the library


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