Friday, November 12, 2021


 So, the laptop is done; not only did the save and transfer all the files, they kept them on the desktop (as asked) and left them in the same folders.  It was most impressive, and easy to find, and for that I am eternally grateful.  Aside from the multiple trips to Strongsville, it went off fairly smoothly and easily.  Now I just have to pay for it... but again, if it lasts five years, it's not a particularly expensive investment, and I do use this thing for many purposes...

Of course, I am not using to catch up on any of the paperwork I delayed doing.  :)

Oh, I don't know; high inflation and a lot of product shortages are not the signs of a strong economy? Ok, wage growth is impressive, but it's also coming after a pandemic, and to be sure, unemployment is also an issue.  It might be voluntary, true, but the fact that a lot of jobs are still unfilled is a problem.  Also, it seems as if the administration was completely flummoxed by this, given their lack of response. That doesn't exactly bode well, either.

I was a little surprised to the reaction to Sununu's decision, mainly because....he's right?  It's far more awesome, if you will, to be in charge of a state than to run around the Senate; even as a junior senator.  And, of course, if you want to get something done...well, you just pick up a pen.  This could be me, but the GOP probably should have 1) not raised such a snit about it and 2) had some replacements in mind in case he said no...


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