Monday, October 25, 2021


 Busy weekend but I tried -- every night -- to get seven hours of sleep.  Now, of course, I am tired but not that tired, so here I am, catching up on blogging.  Rah.  Interesting day today -- had my phone line fixed, rescheduled an MD visit for a virtual one (their idea, not mine), did some laundry, shut off the furnace (I cracked yesterday and turned it on, but it was warmer today), got a flu shot, played with the budget, and was fairly productive at work (bunch of meetings tomorrow, so I had to be).

Funny thing yesterday...I need a new storm/screen/security door, so I ordered one from Lowe's; basically, you have to go to the store to set everything up (odd, I know), and for some odd reason, it directed me to Strongsville.  Fine again; hit the gym and then it was SW down Pearl.  I didn't get the address, because, well, I knew it was in Strongsville, and how can you miss a Lowe's?  Well, I almost did; the street addy is Pearl, but it's more off of Whitney, and I had to hustle to find it... the whole thing amused me.  That and the fact that there are literally 9,000 places to eat in Strongsville, to say nothing of the places to shop. It's impressive, if a bit...omnipresent?

World Series tomorrow, with a team -- the Braves -- that is not only keeping its name, but managed to get Eddie Rosario -- he whom we traded for Pablo Sandoval -- into form as the NLCS MVP.  Makes you wonder what exactly the Cleveland Baseball Team is doing, doesn't it?


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