Thursday, October 07, 2021

Wakey wakey

 These morning blogs, sort of lazy...well, not really.  Yesterday I made five pans of mint brownies; four plus of them will be to the Polish Festival, while the rest might be given out to friends (if I see them), family, and my own expanding stomach.  i was able to watch some "All About Eve" while cooking, though.  It was funny; I decided this time to make all of the brownies first, then bake them and frost them, one after the other -- usually I do one at a time.  This new way, I think, saved time, and if it doesn't affect quality (I am more convinced the medium eggs made the mix less wet), it might be the new standard, especially as I only make these things in bulk, it seems.

Ty Van Burkleo was let go from the Cleveland Baseball Team...I don't know, but four no-hitters will do that.  To be sure, the issue is the modern game, with three true outcomes and a de-emphasis on...soft contact?  Going the other way, punching the ball through the hole; not saying it's impossible, but seldom do people do it anymore.  You'd think this would be the new inefficiency!

It's October, but my, it has been...nice.  I mean, windows open, walking outside, enjoyimg the lesser amounts of sunshine.  I doubt not that it will become worser, as my dad used to say, but this works for me now.  I also note that I should be cleaning the house some (a second attic pass was enough) and hitting some more restaurants off the list (HELOC be damned!) before the snow flies and I become more of a homebody.


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