Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Morning Thoughts

 So, wasn't feeling all that well -- just tired -- and went to bed right at 11 last night.  I didn't sleep all that well, but I did catch up on some rest (waking up just before 7)...in the meantime, I figured I owe you all a post, so here goes...  ok, not much.  I am reading a book about the history of Nazi concentration camps; it's pretty interesting, if depressing...one thing that bothers me is that a lot of these guys didn't pay the ultimate price, and...honestly, nothing happened to their families?  I mean, the wives were certainly an integral part of the process, for one.  Two, these people killed millions of humans, wrecked families...to me, justice commands that the same be done unto them

Had a date yesterday; just coffee, of course.  On the one hand, she looked like her picture, good.  On the other...well, she reeked not only of cigarette smoke -- yuck -- but also...dog and cat.  Yuck.  I couldn't wait for an appropriate amount of time to end so I could depart; mind you, she wanted to continue at her place... ugh.  I do not have enough Lysol around, at the very least!

This could be me, but if you are sooo dependent on Facebook to function, and it shuts down...

This has been on my mind a bit; I was reading the articles on Si.com about the USF men's soccer program and its accumulation of sexual abuse claims (I know, surprised that a Jesuit-run institution would have this problem), and then the NWSL story... this could be me, but...as a feminist, and one who believes that women are strong and independent characters...shouldn't they be smarter?  I mean, if the rumors are that the men's soccer team are a rapefest, do you go to their house and drink?  Oi.  The NWSL story...again, this could be me, but shouldn't these young women -- adults, for Christ's sake -- know better, that much of this behavior is wrong and predatory?  Iguess if you want to say that women are strong and independent, fine, but then if they act in a way that is childish and weak... 

I would have so much more respect for Kyrsten Sinema if she went R. Kelly on those bathroom visitors....


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