Thursday, September 16, 2021


 So...originally I had went to bed early with plans to blog in the AM, but now my blood sugar is low (intensive leg night at the gym) and I can't sleep anyways, so here I am.  Interesting news tonight...Anthony Gonzalez is not running for re-election.  Hm. Could be the official reason; maybe he is just tired of the shitshow; I mean, he didn't put his hat in the ring for the Portman seat.  Did the thought of running against Trump in a primary dull the ardor? Did the polling show he couldn't beat Max Miller (who seems both laxbro and douchecanoe simultaneously and independently, quite the feat)?  Odd.  Very odd.

The other thing that amuses me, as you can imagine, is the kerfuffle out of Hudson... I guess I always though Hudson was too affluent to have a culture war; living there, you make enough that you don't care what people think of you and how you live...but I wrong?  Maybe not; I mean, the mayor and concerned citizens spouted off, the book was pulled, and now people are pointing out it was around for five years.  This surprises me not; I mean, how many of us had our parents check our homework in high school? My parents had stopped long before (for a bunch of reasons).  Anyways, I suspect that some other reason -- generous teacher raises, GOPers deciding to run for the school board -- brought this about, and now, of course, everyone is enjoying this.

As we all know, I love history, especially stuff like that.  I don't quite understand why historians have to be so dogmatic about this; it's certainly possible that early North American settlers took both paths through the Americas, following food sources as they went.  I would think that the settlement story is enriched by having both groups making progress in this brave new world, but I guess I have no dog in the fight...

Oh, I don't know, isn't this a good thing?  Men going where they are welcomed and maybe doing something that doesn't involve a degree and makes a shitload of cash?  More or less seriously, I think GOPers need to take advantage of this; being that we are minorities, we need to push for affimative action, to say nothing of the steps needed to dismantle the matriarchy that dominates college's centers, special programming, and of course funding for a whole range of initiatives; I can't wait for the first men's studies degrees to be issued...


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