Friday, October 22, 2021


 Today was better; of course, that's not saying much compared to yesterday.  I "had" to go to the office today; they were having a new employee meet-and-greet (with lunch), and I figured if I went in today, for all day, it would be more there I went, and it was.  Lunch was fine, met some newbies, had social hour...met my friend Andy to pay him the cash I owed him for Boy Scont popcorn, then off to the gym for an impressive leg day (with plenty of cardio, not that I am not fat)... then off to Our Lady of the Cedars in Fairlawn for their walk-in parish festival (it's Maronite Catholic, so it was ok).  I am not a huge fan of Mediterranean cuisine in general, but....most of what I had was pretty good!  The meat pie was delish, and the rich/chicken/lamb melange was pretty tasty; good mix of flavors.  Polished off some bakery, too.  Spent a bit more than I expected but I do have leftovers, always good...then home.

Finished off the FSU book -- Champions Way -- which was interesting... ok, not really; big football school covers up all sorts of shenanigans from its players (criminal and academic); I guess the thing that surprises even me is that no one, literally, at these schools seems to reach the "this is enough" moment.  I mean, rape and sex abuse should, in theory, be completely out of bounds, but it's not.  Similarly, you would think someone on the academic side would be appalled by cheating or graduating illiterate players, but those, too, are off-limits.  One wonders why no one seems to take the NCAA seriously anymore...


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