Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Mattie travels

 So, yesterday I took the day off; slept in, caught up on the emails and articles I missed through the weekend...and then I decided to cross a place off the restaurant list and traveled to Gibbs Butcher Block; it's in Columbia Station on the county line, and it is famous for its meats and sausages.  And they do have quite the selection; I counted about 25 different types, to say nothing of other goodies.  I ended up getting five different types, with one -- pumpkin pecan -- I had over yesterday and today.  It was quite good; still sausage, but a mellow, nutty flavor, quite delectable. They also have a restaurant in Olmsted Falls, so off I went to that.  I got a bum steer on the directions at the store, but eventually found the place =-- Butcher and Brews, I think.

I walked in and lo and behold I met one of my friends from the food pantry; her and her husband (I have become friends with both!) were off having a small lunch, and they invited me along!  Quite nice; we talked about all sorts of things; I had a sausage sampler (not bad; one had too many veggie fillers, but the others were quite good), and they told me to walk around the place; I had never been.  It's interesting. very white privilege and such, but it's also cute and quaint -- charming stores, an outdoor wedding venue, some interesting restaurants...and most were closed because it was Monday.  Alas.

Somewhat more serious was that all of that meandering meant two things.  One, I cooked all of the sausages I bought and froze them for later use (not a huge issue; I just turned on the oven). Two, for some reason, I was really beat from the Festival, and then trucking around the Falls...I just crashed. Hard.  Felt equally poorly today (at least in the PM); that said, I had a nice night at the gym, and it was... good to be back there.


Interesting, though I am not sure about wrecking the game; I mean, eventually smart teams evolve and figure out how to beat the system...  someone should make a movie about, I suppose...


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