Sunday, October 17, 2021


 Woke up this morning and it was...cold.  Ditto for outside; first time in a bit I wore long sleeves to church.  In the meantime, busy weekend, so now I am home with very little to do; did a spot of dusting, put some stuff in the attic, went through a paper pile..prolly scrounge up some dinner soon and maybe go through the backlog of movies that came from the library... I ordered a bunch of both, supply does create its own demand.  I hope...

I thought this was hilarious, especially when he tells the writer that there is no point in explaining the joke to her; I know they are liberals, and we all know what I say about them being too stupid, but... this was too much.

Oh, I don't know...if he wins (fairly), wouldn't that mean Americans were ready for Trump's second term, wouldn't it?  I mean, Joe and crew are making it obviously easier for him now, but that may or may not continue..


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