Thursday, November 04, 2021

Amusements and Annoyances

 So, first, Akron fired Tom Arth today.  This may or may not have been surprising -- not winning a lot of games may do that to you -- but it was amusing.  First, of course, is that when they fired Terry Bowden (who I think was doing as good a job as possible), it was because he wasn't winning enough (never mind a MAC Championship, bowl wins, beating NW, almost beating UM) and not recruiting enough Ohio kids.  So, they fire him -- with years on the contract, so they (a school in the red!) -- hire the local guy (paying a second coach) and he... recruits more Ohio kids, and...wins an average of one game a year?  Mind you, now they have to pay two coaches again (did I mention the financial troubles) and Lord knows what strategery the new guy will have.  Also... had they done this sooner, they could have had Clay Helton (just hired by Georgia Southern); maybe he is not the best coach, and GA Southern is certainly a drop in class (to use the parlance of the track) but I think he will succeed there.  More to the point, do they think he couldn't have succeeded in Akron?

In other news, I went to MicroCenter today to buy a new laptop.  I decided on a mid-tier one, and handed them over the old laptop with instructions to copy everything over (at $100).  Ok, was done -- surprisingly -- today.  I was quite pleased, until I arrived at home, whereupon I discovered that 1) the thing doesn't have a DSL port.  As I had been using DSL for years, this was disconcerting.  I don't have Wifi here -- no wireless router -- so that was unpleasant, but it was my fault. But, all is not lost, as I had paid all that money for them to transfer my new one, so...I could at least put Humpty Dumpty back together again and do some work on other things.  So, therefore, you could imagine my surprise when I turned the thing on and there was...nothing.  NO files had been transferred; no text docs, no spreadsheets, no bookmarks, anything.  Oi. I don't know what to do now.  I mean, on the one hand, I can truck back there soon (I was in-office today) and have them actually transfer the files and buy a wireless router.  On the other hand, the whole thing has pissed me off (yes, my anger at myself has been transferred to them), but not transferring anything is not pleasant, and there are literally a half-dozen Best Buys equidistant from Chateau Mattie, all of whom offer similar services, so...  I will ponder this over the next few hours.


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