Wednesday, October 27, 2021


 I tried to watch some of the World Series, but then I heard Joe Buck, and I had to stop, and thus "watch" on my phone.  This could be me, but America -- a country founded in revolt against the idea of monarchical inheritance -- seems to be ok with Joe Buck basically having inherited his job from his father.  I don't know about ok -- I note there are plenty of people who share my sentiments -- but still, it seems...odd.

Watching the Dems not pass a tax bill is rather amusing, I will give you that.  And, I guess I do share some of their sentiments -- the accumulation of capital by individuals or groups is bad, we should raise revenue (to retire debt, not to spend more on crap we don't need), yadda -- but this concept troubles me.  One, of course, is that some of people worked harder/made a better mousetrap/were smarter, and we are punishing them for that. Two, I don't like the idea of targeting some people for this; the old quote about there being no one when they came for me seems relevant here.  Three...mind you, this came from many places, but the general concept is that the rich, with their phalanxes of attornies and accountants, are well-placed to avoid these taxees, so they would raise less revenue in the first place. Indeed, a couple of people noted that with our tax laws as they are, you can claim losses from sale of stock (or if it falls in value) under this scheme; can you imagine the hubbub if they have to send Musk or Bezos a check for a half billion as a "refund" if that happened?

My college roommate -- and a former seminarian -- sent this to me.  As I noted on Facebook, we shouldn't be dealing with this anymore, and shouldn't these men have known better?  My roommate said that the seminary could be a weird place (he left, not for this reason).  I think that is true, but it isn't that weird...


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