Monday, November 08, 2021

Perpetual fascination

 So, in other news, bought a laptop today, to be delivered Friday (I won't go into the latest horror story of the router now; eventually the mystery of my spotty wireless access will have to be solved, but not today.) and data migration hopefully the same day.  I ended up hitting Best Buy ended up being cheaper and I got a slightly better machine; this was quite the surprise.  Assuming it lasts for five years...all I can say is that the long national nightmare will soon be over (I hope).  In the meantime, I can manage with the work machine for a few days; if all goes well I will be able to update all of the OC budget stuff and everything else ASAP. (Again, I hope.)

It was so nice out yesterday and today, hard to believe it is November, and that in a month...well, we will longing for a day like this.  I keep telling myself I do not like winter and that I should relocate, yet here we are.

Ummm...yeah?  I don't know, to use the words of a certain progressive politician, elections have consequences, lost?  This could be me, but isn't it also true that this could be the start of more parents getting involved (on both sides) in their childrens' education?  I mean, teachers, in some ways, pawned off the responsibility of educating the kids, and parents had to pick up the slack, so they can't really complain about how people are reacting to the man behind the curtain.  And, let's face it, if you don't want people involved in the schools...people pay taxes through the nose to support their local schools, and now you can be damn sure they want to have a say.

Interesting; I mean, on the one hand, the record isn't all that.  On the other, all those losses have been close, and one could argue that with one more year, development, etc., he could turn the corner. Course, as I like to say at the office, if it hasn't happened by now...  There are also budgetary considerations to consider (even at Nebraska); I am sure a lot of people are keeping jobs because no wants any more dead salary (I read the article on ESPN), especially now, when budgets are in flux.  I would lean for keeping him, but of course I am not exactly emotionally involved here.

This could be, but...1) Didn't people like Ross Perot predict this?  I guess I never believed the promise of NAFTA and other trade deals... and 2) Wasn't this one of Trump's things?  I find it fascinating that now NPR is telling everyone that he was right.  Of course, the issue is what to do now; it's not like you can put these people in coding class.  Ok, you can, but it's not likely to end up well...

I had never heard of this guy before, and this was quite the interesting tale...


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