Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Up All Night

 I tried to go to bed early, and succeeded, but woke up with low blood sugar, so here we are...sigh.  Between the sleeplessness and the eating (and both so soon before Turkey Day!)... sigh.

In the meantime, I watched "Minding the Gap," a documentary about four teenagers in Rockville, Illinois; it's about how they skateboard, but also how the use skateboarding to deal with the stresses in the lives.  Quite poignant, actually; I sort of liked it, and even found myself rooting for them as they tried to search their way to some conclusion.

I am about halfway through Bill James' The Man From the Train, which is about the serial killer behind the Villasca Axe Murders, and (he ties this together quite well) a number of other related crimes across the US in the first part of the 20th century.  It's quite good; James writes well, of course, and he is able to document how he was able to tie all the crimes together using modern research (not that some people didn't do it then).  His historical and cultural commentaries are also largely spot on as well.

If there is one thing that the tragedy in Waukesha should do, it is to put a kibosh on the various bail reform schemes out there.  Not that the system doesn't need reform, but one issue is that a lot of serious criminals will be out running around, and for all of the people who seem to think that this is a feature of the new order, and not a bug (including the prosecutor who let the guy out in the first place)...this should be a perfect opportunity for the GOP to swat them down.  To be sure, between the press and our reluctance to push the issue, it will be a meh, but...one can hope.


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