Friday, December 10, 2021

Forward and back

 So, I had to watch J! on the laptop again, as the cable box is down.  This would not be much of a problem, save for the fact that I paid the cable bill today, which included the $50 service fee to fix the while yes, stuff happens, it did rankle slightly.  To be sure, I have four film noirs from the library, to say nothing of trying to find any more of the stuff on the National Film Registry (new additions should be coming out soon, which could add some impetus to the search)... but it is yet another thing I have to handle.

I also need more double-gym discipline; getting more sleep would help, as then I wouldn't feel the need to get an extra hour in the AM.  Today my blood sugar was low all morning, so I probably would have had to have skipped it anyways, but... still. With Xmas coming up, and parties and soirees and eating, every lift and minute on the bike is needed.

I stayed up late last night to finish Bloodlines, which looked at how the Zeta cartel tried to enter the world of horse racing, and how law enforcement worked to stop them.  I do like the true crime stories, and while the horse racing was largely incidental, it was a interesting sideline to the story -- not only was it front for money laundering, these guys also wanted to win.

Interesting; definitely seems to go against the modern trend, where the schools are open to anyone but Catholics, it would appear.  To be sure, a free education, I think, is what pushes parents to pick the schools, and not just the Cathechism, but there has to be something more.  Could it work around here?  Maybe; certainly in the burbs it could; the city, not so much.  But it could free up resources that could be allocated there.

This is pretty funny; I mean, again, given a chance, people will find a way to associate with their peers, and if the mainstream sources want to keep them from doing it...


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