Thursday, December 16, 2021


 Went to the office today -- we were supposed to have the Xmas party, which was cancelled, but I had to get my hard drive updated, so...why not?  It was nice to go in; on the one hand, there were only a few people in the office, so there was work to be done, but a couple of useful conversations -- indeed it is easier than Teams/Zoom/text.  Picked up my Boy Scout popcorn after, delivered some Christmas presents, and then off to a friend's for a brief meet... then home.  Rah; a pile of papers and emails, and here we are...time to blog.  Tomorrow TCM is airing a bunch of new movies on the National Film Registry; to be sure, they are mainly "low-hanging fruit" on the list, but I will try to watch a few.  One happy note; I added up the ones I have not seen (that list!) and it totaled 50, so I have seen 775 of the films.  I know, imagine that, me not being able to read my notes...

Interesting...ok, I am on the side of fewer speed limits and faster ones, of course, but they do have a point; most of the drivers are fine, it's the few who are crazy that need to be stopped.  I am not surprised they advocate for cameras; quite frankly, I find them an abomination, and yet another attempt to foist justice and law into someplace where it should NOT be located.

Also interesting; I mean, I think it is a good hire -- I knew of his coaching days in the South and in some ways he is overqualified for the job.  My first thought, though... ok, the second; my first was why the people who thought that Tom Arth was such a good choice are still running around making any decisions.  Anyways, the second thought was "how can they afford this?" and the article said they hit up big donors... and I was like "Jesus, can you imagine asking donors to pay off yet another football coach?"

Snicker, snicker.


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