Tuesday, February 22, 2022


 My back hurts.  I mean, it's really sore, and it hurts even to move.  Funny thing is, I have no idea how this came to be; I crashed at 11 last night, but I don't think I slept in an odd position... I woke up at 3 and went to bed and didn't feel any wrenching. It could be old age, could be something else, but it is most annoying.

The J! College Tournament ended today...you know, I actually enjoyed it, for all its faults, it provided much amusement and entertainment, and I managed to average just over 45 correct questions a game, a not unimportant characteristic for me.  Wonder if they keep the format for next year.

This could be me, but short of sending US troops to Ukraine to fight the Russians -- which seems to be a nonstarter -- I don't think Biden has done a poor job here.  Now, I think his weakness hasn't helped (Putin was remarkably quiet under Trump, ahem) but so far he has been...ok?  I think stronger measures could be used to help the Ukrainians -- hell, I would even sell them some nukes about now -- but on this point the criticism should be...muted?  There are no good options here... save for the most unpleasant of them.

I need to hit another restaurant again (or make some of the recipes on the list); it has been a while since I crossed one off, and it may be time to hit some again...especially with Lent coming and I will be trying to hit fish fries.  Holy Name is bringing theirs back, and I am hoping others do as well... I was not exactly satisfied with what is around here, so I may decide to travel afield a bit...


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