Saturday, February 12, 2022

Clearing the decks

 You know, today was a full day!  OC duty in the morning...a bit nippy but not too bad.  The ladies had done yeoman's work in getting the clothes on the racks and ready to go, so I made sure we got them out.  And, fortunately, a lot of people took stuff -- so much so that we added some clothes during the day to fill up the racks.  Less fortunately, people brought more clothes (at least they were clean) so the net gain was not so much.  But some; now we have to get rid of the 100 or so bags in storage.  Crowd-wise, we hit 100 on the dot, though half of them came in one 45-minute burst.  We had volunteers and plenty of stuff to give, so it worked out well -- all of the potatoes gone, most of the cabbages and lettuce, even some eggplant (which is about ripe).  Lot of the clients were...pains in the rear; people not having IDs, coming back twice a month (we went back to once long ago); some who came last week came again and tried the old "no one told us this" routine...which would have worked, but it is in the computer, often multiple times.  Hell, sometimes I am the one who is the bearer of the news.  And of course, these people are so poor that they can afford cigarettes.

Alas -- then it was off to the gym (chest), the store, the library (stuff to print out) and then home, where I did some cleaning and went through the mail pile (I also solved the Games magazine mail-in puzzle, I think).  Made some dinner (salmon and eggplant), watched some Duke (those scrappers pulled it out against BC), then decided to hit the gym again for some leg action.  Then back home and did all of the laundry (I had let stuff pile up), followed by the sending of some emails and reading some articles I had bookmarked.  I mean, it may not seem like progress, but there is less mess everywhere, which is...nice.


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