Tuesday, February 01, 2022

A Fest of Awesome

 So, there goes my plan to blog every day.  Ok, Sunday night I was tired and just went to bed.  Last night, I watched Duke -- the announcers' claims of a high-scoring game was sadly deficient -- and while it was not exactly a thrilling win (no wins against top-quality teams lately, though ND is...decent), it was a game they had to win, and they did.  I know it is not like Duke will miss the tourney again, but... still.

Approximately two minutes after the win, I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke again.. it almost two, the lights and the TV were on, and I was comfortably ensconced on the living room floor.  Oi.  Anyways, I then went to bed (officially) and I couldn't fall asleep after a bit -- and had a series of odd dreams when I did.  Double oi.  I decided to skip the gym double (bad Matt! bad Matt!) and sleep in a bit more... prolly wise.  I do feel fat, of course.  Maybe I can work it off shoveling the 90 feet of snow we will be getting...


I would like us to, but probably not!


I have two schools of thought on this...on the one hand, if this is a fraud and a Ponzi scheme, these people should be punished.  On the other hand...it does seem like everyone knows this, or at least is aware of the fact that you could lose all your money; a classic Ponzi scheme (like, say, Social Security) is that the first few people get fantastically rich and everyone gets screwed.  Here, people are still getting rich, for one, and two, it seems that you still can, either by mining more Bitcoins or engaging in the various cryptocurrency games.  Is that a crime to engage in that?  I don't think it is!


This is awesome!  I mean, I always loved Mystara when I played -- we figured out a way to bring the world into AD&D, and even when we shifted our characters to Faerun, this system was never far from our hearts... Seeing this at the beginning is pretty cool...


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