Friday, February 04, 2022


 It was a glorious day!  I took the day off -- I have the days -- so I slept in a bit, read up on the news, went through some links, and had a leisurely lunch.  Did some SVDP -- emailing people about plans and ideas for the new year, and then I met a friend for coffee.  Quite nice... I waited until the driveway was plowed, of course.   I mean, it was done yesterday, and would hardly have known it had been done.  Oi.  As always, I do not want to hear about global warming.  Anyways, a quiet and simple supper, a night trip to the gym to lift (always a sound choice!), and now home... I didn't take down the Xmas decorations, but there is time, and, to be sure, I like them up.

This story amuses me quite a bit.  For one, the idea that Sarah Palin should be the victim of a media campaign... two, of course, is the idea that the NYT should be sued for defaming her (she is sort of past her prime as a media celebrity, no?) is also amusing.  But here we are; and, I think she has a case.  I mean, if this relies on malice...well, pretty much all coverage is rooted in malice, so I don't think it would be a hard case to prove, save that the trial is in NYC.  Alas.  I want her to win, mainly because the case does expose how the sausage is made, and that will not be fun for those involved...


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