Monday, May 02, 2022

All Things Must Come to an End

 Roe v. Wade to be overturned?  Well, this is a special day.  I read the highlighted excerpts online -- no use going to read it if it going to be changed a bit (there is a draft circulating, you know), and... Alito's points are exactly correct.  Now, I realize things will be a bit hectic, but eventually states will come to an equilibrium on this, and...that's ok.  As it has always been.  The people of each state should decide these things, and if Ohio wants to allow it in some circumstances and Indiana does not... I think that is exactly what the Founders intended, and we all will be the better for it.

Interesting; I think Douthat is largely correct here; now, the question is whether this will hurt the party in November (it would hurt me, for instance, if Dolan wins, though I don't think he will). I don't know; I suspect most of the people would return to the party no matter what, but whoever does win will have 10,000 ready-made ads for the Democrats to use against them, which is not good.  Back to the article, I think this whole process is incredibly fascinating; like seeing an organism evolve live.  Insofar, of course, that we believe in that sort of thing.

Funny; on the one hand, one is simply inundated by the ads, the mailings, the phone calls, the emails...imploring you to donate your time, talent, and treasure to a campaign, to attend rallies, that sort of thing...given that all candidates seem to have a path to the top, it has been exhausting to consider it all.  But, as I am fond of saying, there are literally billions of people on the globe who would kill for this experience; voting for the candidate of their choice, expressing their own opinions, not being subject to torture, imprisonment, or worse for their views... it is a good thing, what we have in this country.

This is awesome; I want to buy one for myself, just for the principle of it.  Hell, nothing would amuse me more than for someone to buy a million (or so) copies of this book and just donate it away... libraries, schools; hell, even those little free libraries that spring up everywhere. I could imagine 100 of these in Lakewood or the PSRCH; just consider the fun -- and education -- we could foment!


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