Friday, April 29, 2022


 Busy day for me, which is why I am up now, blogging away...  not that this is bad, but I think I would have preferred something a little less hectic.  The day started meh, to put it mildly; I woke up at 4 with a charley horse -- above the knee, oi -- and while it was fine about noon, it was hell in between; I skipped the morning lift at the gym (shouldn't have) because walking was...a bit tenuous.  I guess I need to sleep more, watch my electrolyte balance, and reduce late night caffeine consumption, but... not today.

Interesting news about Trevor first thought on seeing the headline was "Gee, this is very convenient for the Dodgers." I don't know...on the one hand, he is sort of a scumbag, or severely on the autism scale (I am not the first to think this, FWIW), so yes, he merits some punishment.  On the other... one, he has been punished -- missed a year -- and will NOT be charged, so he is...legally off the hook (I am aware of the other and new allegation against him).  Hell, he is even suing his accusers...  I am not sure he can do much about MLB, besides appeal; the fact that the union seems to be staying out of this is a concern, but I wonder how much of this is simply that Trevor is a dick.

I think this is largely correct, which is why I was quite pleased when the Donald skipped out on it as POTUS.  Hell, I think every GOPer from now on should skip it, and not only call then out on their hypocrisy at every opportunity, but also schedule some major out-of-DC event or policy fest just to drive them out of the city...

This is...interesting?  Not sure I agree with it fully, but I think she does make some points about the series -- in particular the difference between season one and the rest...

And, in finality...there is never a bad time to listen to this...


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