Friday, May 13, 2022

The Funnies

 Long but good day today...finished a couple of projects at work, answered some emails, cleaned up some links, read up on some new things...good.  Everyone seemed happy with getting the projects out the door, which is awesome.  I like the new job, and if they like me...

One thing I have noticed that it is now ant season in my house -- every year, for a couple of weeks, once spring arrives, the ants try to come in.  It's an older home, and there are cracks and crannies, and until I kill enough of them and set out the is annoying but we survive.  I guess I could do a stint of cleaning around here; stuff can be dusted. crap can be removed, that sort of thing.  Tonight is my quiet night, and I am going to enjoy cleaning up links and emails while reading.

I don't know; part of the problem is that liberals find a lot of things to be... not funny, whereas the average GOPer finds much about the left to be...ridiculous.  So of course mockery ensures, libs get miffed, and we of course find this even more amusing.  I watch Gutfeld every once in a while, and while I think he is funny, he's not that funny -- it does depend on the guests and the pontification.  But it's easy to make fun of the insufferable; remember all of the mockery over the Falwells (junior and senior) and Swaggart and Bakker?

I don't know; I think I love Carlin because of the irreverence and the pushing the's what comedy is supposed to be about!


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