Monday, May 09, 2022

Catching Up

 Jesus...didn't post all weekend?  Guess not; I was busy with work and stuff, and I guess it slipped my mind (that and trying to get some sleep, which didn't go well).  Alas.  It wasn't a bad weekend, just a blur -- food pantry, work, other stuff.  Busy at the OC; cracked 100 clients, pushed produce like mad, set out all of the clothes racks we could... felt good.  The weather was largely perfect this weekend, too; maybe a tad bit cold, but other than that...good to have spring in mid-May, I guess.

Picked up the yard today -- got rid of all of the twigs and such.  I hope to cut the grass tomorrow -- first time this year, should be dry with the weather.  I started old reliable a couple of weeks ago, and it turned over... let's hope this year she keeps running.  I think we all know how I feel about spending money...

This is a fascinating story!  Ok, I don't really buy it; not all of it.  Jesse James burying his money all over the place -- especially in a state in which he didn't rob banks... could be.  The idea of some secret society being a part of this -- and then forgetting the money -- seems a bit suspect.  Even if you think that they achieved all of their goals after Reconstruction...well, people just don't forget about buried treasure, do they?  Of course, the whole story is soooo fantastical that that is why people want it to be true... everyone loves an underdog, and what could be more underdog than a bunch of people -- disbelieved by everyone -- going out and finding the literal pot of gold?

I think this is exactly right, and I certainly want to see more of this....I mean the wins by the new right, not the backstabbing.


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