Thursday, September 22, 2022

Jug Day!

Today was the Little Brown Jug, and I spent the day with my aunt and some of the cousins in Delaware to watch the race.  The town has certainly expanded on the perimeter -- upward and outward -- but much of downtown is...similar.  New and different stores in some parts; the UDF is being renovated, some of the city parks are nicer.  But... much was the same.  This is good!

As for the races themselves... we lost.  Not many winners, and -- continuing a trend of recent years -- even when the horses you pick do win, it's hard to win money.  Many races have one or two clear favorites and the rest are long shots...but with little chance of winning, so the favorites -- even as part of perfecta and trifecta pools -- do not pay out all that much.  Still, my handicapping can improve.  The day itself was...a bit cool and windy.  It was 90 there yesterday; today, mid-60s.  Mostly sunny, but a brisk wind, so much so that my aunt wanted to leave after the Jug heats, and while I hated missing them... I saw her point.  We left about an hour early, and that in turn got us home earlier, which is nothing to rue.  I can count my non-winnings (ok, it was manageable, and I did have a good time) and plot out my weekend.


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