Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Miracle

Interesting night yesterday.  First, they opened a GOP Victory Center literally two blocks from my house, and, even more amazingly, JD Vance -- our mystery Senate candidate -- was promised to be there to consecrate it.  So, I registered and walked over.  And...he was there!  Slightly late -- not exactly unexpected -- but he was there, and gave a nice little pep talk, and even took a few questions.  The funny thing is... he was pretty good.  To be sure, it was a friendly audience, and he was not there long, but... his answers to the audience questions -- Roe v. Wade, Hunter Biden, the power of the party against a Dem president -- were spot on; intelligent, reasoned, and he showed wit and spirit.  So, too was his speech; again, GOP bullet points, but the audience certainly responded well.  Which, of course, led me -- and others -- to wonder why the campaign has been dark until now.  Yes, he may be short of cash, but you'd think a bunch of events somewhere -- anywhere -- and lots of publicity about them would be one way to get in the new cycle.  But nada.

Anyways -- snarfing down the dinner I got at the rally on the way out (Corleone's, quite good), I then raced home to discover a friend had texted me with some personal shit, so I had to deal with that...not that I minded, but I just crashed when I was done.  Alas.  

In other news, I am fat -- feeling it -- so I have been trying to walk at night.  Last night I took the long way to and from the rally, and today I took the car in for an oil change, so I got some steps in there.  But I need to do some more...  funny, I am not feeling it tonight.  I didn't sleep well last night, and I woke up today with a sore throat (slightly) and a lump in my upper vertebrae; not sure how it got there, but moving my neck has been an adventure.  As if need more reminders I am not quite a young man anymore...

The BYU racism story seems to be falling apart.  This could be me, but...  these things have a frequency to not pan out, so why are they reported with such earnest breathlessness?  The recanting is never done in the same manner, and no one comes out looking good.  I realize journalists have no ethical responsibility (or ethics or responsibility) to, you know, investigate a story, but maybe it is about damn time they do...


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