Monday, August 29, 2022


 First time in a while I had a gym double -- arms in the AM, legs in the PM.  Now, my blood sugar was a bit low in the afternoon, so there was no cardio, but it was good to get back into the swing of things.  One funny thing of note.. I arrived at the gym this evening and realized -- by looking down -- that I was still wearing my sandals.  Oops.  In my getting shit done at the end of the day and wanting to leave at six... I forgot to change shoes.  I felt like those old people who go downstairs and wonder why they went in the first place.
This amused the hell out of me -- the part about the Palestinians.  I remember a while back I was talking to one of our interns at Freedonia -- he was very LGBT and pro-Palestine.  I told him that I would attend a Pride Parade in Jerusalem and he could attend one in Teheran... and that I would buy the ticket (as I would only need one).  Needless to say, after some googling, he was NOT amused, though, of course, I was.

So I was trying to schedule a medical appointment (maybe this eczema will go away, ha) and I called the dermatologist my MD gave me... I have an appointment in March 2023.  I decided to keep it, not sure why -- the chance of my remembering this is slim and none -- but I can't believe they are scheduling six months in advance... ok, I can, but...


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