Friday, August 26, 2022


 So... I ended up getting the monkeypox vaccine today.  Hadn't planned on it, but as there have been some people in my life who have it (all Hope and Changers, of course), I decided to err on the side of caution and get it.  Thus, off to Metro this morning.  This was funny, as I had never been there before.  Getting there is not too bad -- the pain in the ass traffic circle by Steelyard notwithstanding -- but once I arrived I had to fumble my way around, so I took a circuitous walk around the place.  Oi.  Then, there was a line when I arrived, so... let's just say I am more worried about getting the pox/TB/some Democrat disease (besides the stupidity) from that than anything.   The shot is fairly painless -- in the forearm, a booster next month -- and I guess I am covered, even if I have to delay my COVID booster.  Alas.  No ill effects, thank God.  

Watched an interesting neo-film noir tonight -- "The Limey," about a UK ex-con who comes to the US to avenge his daughter's death.  Pretty good, actually; not too long, interesting action scenes, and a fun-filled ending.  I probably should have done something actually productive, but I guess today was my cheat day, if you will, and I just chilled.

I finished reading Reinventing Food Banks and Pantries today.  This brings me to 28... anyways, not on the original schedule, but it was being read by Downtown, so I decided why not... it was...largely interesting.  Lots of good ideas.  On the other hand...I suspect that in our neighborhood, and a lot of others, some of the ideas wouldn't fly, as our people are interested in helping themselves only by taking more crap.  (I also suspect that those examples were edited out of this tome.)  The idea of letting people shop for items, I think, could work -- we'd have to move stuff around, for one, and the whole COVID bit is a problem (many clients are unvaccinated!)... I am not opposed to it, but anyone who thinks that people want more healthy food is...going to be disappointed.


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