Monday, August 15, 2022

The Cult of Productivity

 First things first -- I finally finished the Russia book, all 717 glorious pages.  It stops at 2010, so certain unpleasantness was skipped.  It was long, but I did learn a lot, so I cannot complain.  The next few books on the pile are much shorter, so I expect to finish them sooner.  Still not sure I can get to 50 for the year, but...

Was productive in a LOT of ways today -- performance review at work, did half of my corrections for a project, read over some documents for a big meeting Monday, ordered some prescriptions, cleaned up some minor stuff... also hit two grocery stores (part of my personal plan to combat inflation) and eradicated the darks of the laundry pile.  Not a huge of Giant Eagle anymore -- between their bag ban and their abortion tourism, my visits are few and far between.  I hit Acme after the gym... you know, they're not very cheap anymore.  Used to be they were... not Aldi cheap, but they had some decent deals.  Now... not so much.  Again, very targeted -- like the 10 boxes of cake mix for the Polish Festival brownies.  I know they are sort of in the mid-tier of stores (certainly no Heinen's or Giant Eagle, but no Aldi/Sav-A-Lot), and we all know what the middle of the road is for, but...  Anyways, if tomorrow is like today, much shit will be off my plate, in many sense of the word.

And, I did a gym double; lifted and legs.  No cardio, sadly, due to low blood sugar (grrr...) but it felt good to push myself.  I intend to do a couple more doubles this week, just because I can and because I need to.

Interesting look at the Packers and their finances, or, as Mom would say, OUR Packers.  I guess I do need to get out to Lambeau one day for the shareholder meeting...

Interesting.  On the one hand, I am a little skeptical of religious schools, and these people seem a bit odd (if very close to the GOP).  On the other...well, teachers have no one to blame for this erosion of students (and funding).  I mean, the COVID shutdowns, culture war stuff, parents fed up... let's just say that I can see how a bunch of people would simply say "fuck it" and go for behind Curtain Number Two, whatever that may be.
This is literally the funniest thing I have read in a while!  If liberals really believe this (and I am sure some of them do), they are even dumber than I thought, which is, let's face it, pretty damn dumb.
Let's just say that I don't ever want to hear about my carbon footprint ever again....


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