Friday, August 05, 2022

Restful evening for once

 Interesting day -- I slept in a bit, which torpedoed the plan for a gym double... grr.  But I do need the rest, I guess.  Anyways, work was busy -- new project to work on, plenty of data to go through and organize -- and it was good.  I mean, I rather like it; learning new stuff, using what I did for the old job at the new one... solid stuff.  Funny... the NOAA released the hurricane forecast for the upcoming season.  Last year at this time, I would have been all over it.  Now, it is just another headline.  How things change...

The jobs data surprised me -- much stronger than I expected.  On the other hand... one, with all this inflation, people need second jobs to catch up.  LOL.  But, more seriously, with the inflation, the end of the COVID aid, and improving health conditions... we might need to look at the fact that now people might need to go back to work.  And, given that every place has a help wanted sign out...they can get it, and at decent wages.  This is largely good; I mean, we may be in a recession, but given that businesses are still short-handed, they will have to hire.  Just wonder how long this will last...

At page 200 in the Russian book -- it has been hard to get some reading done with all that is going on, but I have been plugging away a few pages at a time, and we are slowly progressing.  I don't know all that much about the subject -- just the basics and a bit more -- so the stuff about the Czar-boyar relations, the role of the Church -- is most fascinating and interesting to me.


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