Tuesday, July 26, 2022


 Definitely NOT going to wait three days before posting a blog this time.  :)  Good day today, albeit one with low blood sugar all day (I should probably talk to the doctor about this), so no gym.  Alas.  I did finally cut the grass and ran the string trimmer; this was a mixed blessing.  One the one hand, I did all of the front yard and it looks good.  On the other, I used it to cut down the tall weeds on the side of the house, which smacked up the string in the trimmer.  If you think I can't tie shoes, you ought to see me with the string in the wheel.  Anyways, cutting down the tall weeds really tore up the string -- I had it at the perfect length for grass -- and I will have to unwind it and reset the next time I need to weedwhack.  Alas.


This could be me, but why on earth would ANY Republican want to consort with the press?  As the one commentator noted, you used to be able to get a fair shake, but not now, so... as with so many other groups, they brought it on themselves, so... learn to live with it.


This was true before the latest contretemps... now, it could be that he is stockpiling money for the fall, and intends to bury Ryan then, which is doable...especially if things are craptastic.  On the other hand, no one seems to have any evidence that this is happening, and Ryan is defining himself, so now Vance will have to un-define him...would have been easier to define him on your own terms.  Oi.  I have still have hope and faith in the guy, but... we need to get the campaign going.


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