Wednesday, July 20, 2022

A New Not-So-Miserable Experience

 So, yesterday I drove to Columbus, met the boys, and then we all drove to Dayton to see Toad the Wet Sprocket/Gin Blossoms/Bare Naked Ladies.  Ok, we bailed early from the last one, but it was good to see all of the bands and, more importantly, the boys.  It was fun, and I have not seen them for a while.  The venue was nice, and it was clearly an older crowd -- I should get used to this, but I am not.  Perhaps the only bad thing was I decided to drive home after the show (from Cbus).  I didn't need a coffee break or anything -- one can go almost 80 with no one on the road, but it was 2 when I got to bed, and while I slept in a bit... I was tired all day.  Plus, given I have a bunch of Cbus restaurants on my food list... I should have stayed over and hit one.

Dinner with the sister today -- we are trying to do this every month or so, just because... we do get along fabulously well, so this is no big deal.  We met at Si Senor around the corner from me (sort of) and it was quite good...I should go back there, as they had a few items I wouldn't mind trying.  Caught up on the family news, discussed stuff -- the apartments where Mom rented from now start at $1,100 a month for a one bedroom -- and it was wonderful.  

On the one hand, I have the prospect of a weekend with very little to do... on the other hand, that is not true, as there are many things I could be doing, and should be, like cleaning, organizing closets, moving stuff, throwing stuff out, getting the basement ready, organizing some files, etc.  Hell, there is also the matter of the grass that needs to be cut.  If I can pull three of the above off I will be the overachiever of the year...


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