Monday, July 18, 2022

Moderate amusement

 Interesting day -- woke up during the night with low blood sugar (sort of stayed there all day), felt droopy all day, took two hour nap after work... nodded off after Jeopardy, too, so now, of course, I can't sleep.  Sigh.  I guess it is fine -- I needed the rest, in the end -- but I know my biorhythms are off, I feel fat, and of course I could have been more productive during the day.  Sigh. 

Watched "Cooley High" today -- 796.  Billed as the Black version of "American Graffiti," and it sort of was, complete with the text bios of what happened to everyone at the end of the film.  It was ok; some parts of it were amusing, some were not, and while I know I am not the target audience... well, at least the soundtrack was pretty good.  Funny and sad; all that classic music of the Motown era -- and before that -- is pretty much all but a memory, and a fading one at that. 

Watched some of the compliance stuff for the food pantry from the Greater Cleveland Food Bank.  One thing they stressed, of course, is that eventually the "emergency" funding they get from the federal government is going to end, and they will lose, yeah.  I mean, while the country is not back to where it was, COVID isn't as much of a problem as other things -- such as inflation, which is only going to be exacerbated by more government spending.  I didn't want to email them a comment along the lines of they can do what everyone else is doing and cut back on expenses, but I was sorely tempted...


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