Friday, July 22, 2022

The start of a weekendaul

 A weekend is upon us, and I am sort of looking forward to it.  I mean, if I can catch up on some stuff, get some stuff done, maybe do a little cleaning and organizing -- and get some reading in -- and I will consider it a raging success.  Had a good workout at the gym -- aside from the tight hamstring and the bumping my diaphragm on the weight bench -- and a nice and healthy dinner... still a bit fat, but...

This could be me, but plenty of people saw this coming -- some of this, at least, in part, and others, like Joe Manchin, as it was happening -- and no one of course believed them.  Now, of course, we are all suffering, and as like to say, no one is going to suffer because of that.

This is hilarious!  And ironic, of course.  I do wonder, more seriously, what the GOP will do with the committee once they re-take the House.  I mean, they could just jettison it, though it appears they will go off and use it to investigate some of their own favorite flogging Mollies.  I wonder what would happen if they decided to look at the underlying factors of the riots, and then decided to look at, say, abuses by elites -- Nancy Pelosi's husband and his DUI and stock trades, for instance.  This way you could generate positive publicity while of course "Investigating" actual abuses.  Given how GOPers tend to fritter advantages away all the time, I am sure this one will go the same way of all things...


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