Thursday, September 29, 2022


 Joyous day today.  Ok, it was fine, as always; slept in a bit, productive day of work -- I have a bunch of little projects to handle, all of equal importance, which amuses me -- and dinner with my sister, continuing my monthly tradition.  Her turn to pick, and she chose Little Birdie Wine Bar on Broadview... had a taste for a flight and charcuterie.  It was...good; a bit pricey, but I liked what I had.   As she said, it was different.  Next month is my turn and she is expecting chilled monkey brains or some other oddball cuisine.  So I will have to oblige...

The next book on my pile is Cultural Amnesia by Clive James.  It is a collection of essays about famous  but largely forgotten cultural figures (if you get my drift).  More or less importantly, it is 800 pages, so my goal of 50 books looks even more forlorn.  Even a few additional trips to the bathroom (if you get my drift) will not greatly accelerate this process.  Alas.  I could have moved it to the bottom of the pile but that is NOT my style.

Oh, I don't know... some of this is a reaction to the left, but some of this is also due to the fact that the Left has, for so long, been so wrong, and there have been absolutely no consequences for it.  I mean, look at the carnage by the closure of our schools; test scores are down, anxiety among children is up, people are fleeing the public schools... and they are proceeding as if nothing happened.  That is simply unacceptable to a bunch of people nowadays, and I think the GOP is rapidly coalescing around the idea that at the end of the day, heads will have to roll...


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