Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Slow March of Progress

 Interesting day today... I was in the shower and felt nauseous; I was like, WTF, so I checked my blood sugar and it was low -- it has been a while since I had that symptom of low blood sugar.  Funny thing was... I didn't really do anything to cause this; my sugar was fine when I tested when I woke up, had a normal (for me) breakfast, insulin was just crashed.  Oi.  There are days I truly hate being a diabetic, and that was one.

Anyways, Mass was quite nice -- readings were a bit long, but all was quite beautiful.  Then off to the food pantry for a bit (nothing arrived since we left yesterday, phew) and the gym.  Then it was home to catch up on some work -- my CEO was not pleased, but I will be missing some time this week and I, at least, want to be equal in time.  (I doubt that anyone wants to see my "What is a weekend" gif from Downton Abbey.)   But putting the time in was good -- and then I decided to hit the gym again, as I need a double, and a leg afternoon is good.  I finished the Adam Smith book while doing cardio -- 13.  And I was like, gee, I feel like I achieved something.

The rest of the night... well, my usual night -- dinner, reading, and immersing myself in the little details -- food pantry, SVDP stuff, paperwork.  It does need to be done...

I was amused by the decision by the PD and other papers to ban "Dilbert" due to his rant, which is...if not racist, borderline at best. Elon Musk is saying that he is right.  Are they going to ban Tesla?  Not cover SpaceX?  I assume if Elon wants ads in their papers they will turn him down?  I myself would love to see that, actually...


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