Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Strolling Down Memory Lane

I have to admit, I don't watch South Park as much as I used to, or should... but tonight was hilarious.  Obviously I need to go back to one of my favorite traditions.  Equally humorously, the hour before I watched the PBS episode of "Nova" about the ancient archaeology of Amazonia -- how people are now discovering the lost cities and civilizations of the region.  To be sure, much of it was due to racism and the sense that "primitive" peoples couldn't possibly build anything...but I wonder how much of it was due to the fact that until modern times and technologies, you really couldn't see any structures; they were simply buried under the fast-growing jungle, and it was simply impossible to see the there there.  Sort of like the remnants of the Aztec and Mayan civilizations...

When I saw this, I was...what the hell?  I heard the song today, and it was pretty sweet...  I sort of want to get the new album, honestly.  I remember when he passed away, and it was... well, like Christ on a stick.  I am not one to cry over bands and such, but certainly I felt the passing of Chester Bennington...

So...does he get his job back?  I have discussed this before, but that is the problem with cancel culture... to be sure, something went down that night, but if there was no crime...

Interesting read.  I am not quite sure it is a conquering, as we have yet to win anything, but... 


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