Sunday, February 12, 2023


 So...I didn't watch the Super Bowl.  I got home at 5:30 from helping out at a fundraiser, hit the shower, had some dinner, and immersed myself in some other stuff, and then I sort of nodded off.  And here we are.  I think I will survive; the commercials will still be on for several weeks, and I can read the recaps.  I should have actually done something, but I did not, for a bunch of reasons.  Now I will read a bit before bed, which will be good.  I do have a chore list, and I should, in theory, do one a day, but life and stuff intervenes.  Alas.  '

I found that one of the stores from which we source meat and other items will no longer be donating to us.  On the one hand, this is sad, but on the other, I get that...they are a business, after all.  As for us, I told our operations manager "We will survive."  Yes, it does suck, and our clients will probably start getting less meat, but... well, let's just say that some of them could use a vegan diet.  We do have a board meeting later this month, so I am sure we will discuss that, but... again, we will survive.  

I was vastly amused by the bulletin insert at Mass today; basically, the big Diocesan plan for Catholic schools is... parishes that don't have one will be asked to support a parish that does.  To be sure, they are not whacking schools (expected by many, including myself), but... for all the ballyhoo, meetings, etc., they had... this is the plan?  I mean, I could have divined that one during the morning dump, and maybe even started assigning parishes to each other during the paperwork.  I don't want to think about how much these people are making, aside from the fact that we can be sure that it is more than I am making.

Mass was actually amusing, in that Matt way; I heard we were having anointing of the sick and laying on of hands, and I immediately wished for southern accents, cheap suits, canes flung through the air, and, of course the "Sea of Green," which to be sure, most pastors would want.  Then, of course, I realized I will saying Hail Marys til doomsday to atone for that one.  Anyways, since we had a bunch of healees front and center, I diverted from my usual Communion rounds and did them first, then the people in the center mid-aisles.  This was fine, but the Healing Ministry people then proceeded to try and direct me to the fact that I had not gotten to the people I usually serve first... which was indeed the case, as I had planned on hitting them last.  I was half-tempted to tell them that this wasn't my first 8:30 Mass, but it was probably theirs, so...I just rolled my eyes internally and hustled to the altar.  Sigh.


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