Monday, April 17, 2023


 So, I went to the dentist, and, lo and behold, I need a root canal.  The filling I have in the tooth is 1) partially dislodged and 2) too close to the root, and all of the options are not good... unless, of course, they move the nerve and then they can play with it.  In defense of the dental staff, they did tell me a few years ago this could happen, and I think I decided to just go with the filling (why it is now dislodged is a mystery)...but this is still not fun.  Soft foods and such in the meantime (I stocked up on soup at Aldi on the way home).  Mainly this has affected my morale; today was the downer (especially as it took an hour plus at the dentist to figure this out, plus scale down the filling a bit so they could re-apply the crown.  

Also, I have not slept long or well the last few nights, so I am tired, maybe coming down with a cold, and I had but two cups of coffee today... so I was feeling the effects of that as well.  I think I will be going to bed soon, as I am tired and down.  At least I was productive at work and got some reading done, and cleared out some emails (though I need to send more out). sister asked me if I stock up on soup; she has a supply in case they are not feeling well or feel the need.  I told her I did not; I could make some, I guess, but if I want some I just go out, as it is not one of my go-to-foods.  I realize the salt in canned soups is a killer, but I guess I make up for it the rest of the year.  I made salmon yesterday, and while I think I can eat it -- it is soft and chewy enough -- I will have to be nibbling it for the interim.  Oi.


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