Monday, April 24, 2023

Goings Away

 Well, that was an interesting news day... Tucker Carlson out at Fox.  Don Lemon out at CNN.  Aaron Rogers traded to the Jets.  I can't find anyone who doesn't believe that the Lemon canning was a direct result of the Tucker news -- in other words, now is the day to fire the guy.  I am a little (ok, more than that) surprised by the schadenfreude over the Carlson news... first of all, does anyone think that he cannot go out and find a bigger platform than Fox?  I think he is bigger than Megyn Kelly, IMHO; I can easily see him putting together a Joe Rogan-style empire of content and getting the same viewership/listenership there.  That would be a kick to Murdoch and the ilk, I am sure.  More to the point, he could make a lot more money doing that, and I doubt his influence would decrease; if anything, he could say pretty much anything.  Hell, I might even subscribe!

The keys to a hypothetical Tucker Carlson 2024 campaign - POLITICO

This would be funny as hell!  Now, I don't think he will -- too much work and he can make more money doing something else -- but having him at a GOP debate (or against Biden) would be... well, compelling TV, I can assure you.

I was felling tired today -- not sure why though I suspect the obvious reason -- so I laid down after work.  It took me a few to fall asleep, but when I woke up... it was past 8:30!  Oi!  I guess I should have expected this, to be sure (when do I ever lay down and NOT pass out) but it was annoying, if needed.  No gym, no reading, but I did need the rest.  Not tired now, but I think I will still hit the hay soonish (once I get the stuff done I didn't do before).  

Artifacts support Polynesian oral histories | Popular Science (

I love stuff like this; I mean, I always get a kick out of this.  I guess it is racism that caused this idea that people couldn't traverse the ocean in small craft, even though they were incredibly seaworthy and the mariners were as skilled as Western sailors... or, let me put it this way:  I suspect the share of Polynesian sailors who did not return from their voyages was probably equal to that of those from the West who crossed the Atlantic.  Alas, it is good to know that now we are correcting this narrative!


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