Royal Progress
I broke down today and bought a new electric old one -- Lord knows how long I have had it -- seemed to be going, and, well, it was time, despite my general dislike of spending money. It is still charging, so tomorrow is the day of decision. Very exciting around here, let me tell you. Ok; I finished a project at work, finished some food pantry/SVDP follow-ups, and read a couple of articles about the Hollywood writers' strike, which...surprises me? I don't know; on the one hand, I feel badly for these people, but... I think it is fair to say that these people had a really good run, and now, with things in retrenchment, they won't be. Yes, that sucks, but... shouldn't someone have seen this coming? I realize this is my comment about And The Band Played On, and the answer was of course no, but...
My current read is Behind the Throne, which looks at the role of the royal court in the UK (quite timely now, with coronation week). It is interesting; basically, no monarch could ever keep things under (or at) budget, even in the best of times, and given their personal habits... you get the drift. Anyways, I read the chapter on George III today, where they discussed his mental illness (they are still not sure what actually caused it), and started the one about Queen Victoria, which included a discussion of the Bedchamber Crisis -- basically, an unmarried lady-in-waiting started showing a stomach bump, pregnancy was suspected (scandal!), but it was undiagnosed (and painful) stomach cancer... and there were political ramifications. Anyways, one thing that struck me was -- like dentistry -- how medical care has been transformed... mental illness is still a mess today, but at least they have inklings of treatment -- medicines, humane treatment -- whereas before, they were just fumbling in the dark. Similarly, a cancer diagnosis today needn't be fatal, but back then... well, you were lucky if the laudanum worked until you died. It is quite impressive to consider.
The FBI's Catholicism Memo Is No Laughing Matter | Opinion (
This could be me, but this should be more of a scandal, but, much like the Hunter Biden stuff, it didn't seem to get any traction. Some of this is the usual protect the Dems, some of this is because Jim Jordan is quite the scandalmonger, and some... anti-Catholic bias?
Why Is Inflation So Sticky? It Could Be Corporate Profits - WSJ
This could be me, but isn't something Congress should be on? I have no doubt that consumer behavior will play a role in ending this, but... the horse is largely out of the bag now.
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